Just a sum up

Somehow it is the end of August. A lot has happened. Here it is in brief:



I had two days on set with a docu-drama tv show.


I have shot two commercials which you can see here and here.


I recorded a national voice over for Royale which you can watch/hear here.



Shows I have Fight Directed in Scotland (so far)

 - Ulster American (Traverse Theatre) New York Times Review

 - Richard III (Perth Theatre)

 - Motherfuc*er With The Hat (Tron Theatre)

 - Deathtrap (Dundee Rep)

 - Knives in Hens (Perth Theatre)

 - The Last Bordello (Fire Exit Theatre)

And, very excitingly, I have become an Artistic Associate with Solar Stage in Toronto. I will be expanding their Early Years Programming as well as assisting under the Artistic Director. 

Coming up includes heading back to the UK to Fight Direct Twelfth Night for the Royal Lyceum Edinburgh and Bristol Old Vic.


My year will also wrap up working with these brilliant humans as part of the staff for the Paddy Crean International Workshop at the Banff Centre for the Arts.

Exciting times!