An "Echo" from awhile ago

I found a little blink back in time this week. A note of the very first film auditions I ever had. It led me to working with incredible writer and director Cara Mumford, someone filled with vision and passion. I hope one day to work with her again. 

Cara spoke in poetry. I remember quite a few afternoons curled up on her sofa, being eyed by her cat, and hearing stories about her incredible family. As a Metis filmmaker in Canada, I can only imagine the stories she has added to her collection since then.

I first encountered her in a room in a collection of film buildings, after taking two buses and getting lost on the grounds. There wasn't much light in the room, and there was no camera. But she saw me. And I'm grateful for that.

This is the blog post here wherein she writes her side of our meeting.  And a trailer for a later film that we worked on here, especially good for those of you who like surrealist film noire. 

I then voiced a short film for her which you can watch below.

Amazing how long ago 2009 was...     Check out more from Cara here.